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How to Create Talent Pipelines While Working Remotely

remote pipelines

Remote hiring can be difficult, and COVID-19 is no help. Traditional methods of recruiting, like job fairs or on-campus recruitment, are dwindling as employees hunker down at home amidst the pandemic. Now more than ever, companies are relying on their existing talent pipelines to gain new talent. Unfortunately, according to research by the Aberdeen Group, nearly 9 in 10 companies struggle to establish a solid talent pipeline. Fortunately for your organization, with sufficient strategy and effort, establishing a strong pipeline is possible, and many methods of building talent pipelines can be done remotely.

Here are four tips for building your organization’s talent pipeline while working from home:

1. Rely on Referrals

Even when working remotely, employee referrals are still an excellent form of building your talent pipeline. About 85% of companies already use referral programs for this purpose. If you’re thinking of filling some roles in the future, consider sending out an email with rough job descriptions and asking employees if they know of anyone who might be a good fit. Also, encourage current employees to apply to these positions when they become available. Internal mobility is crucial to building a strong workforce, as it is proven to increase employee engagement and cut the costs of recruiting outside talent.

2. Reach Out to Past Applicants

So-called “silver medalist” candidates are one of the most affordable, convenient sources of talent for any organization. It is always a good idea to keep the resumes of past applicants who were nearly hired, but not quite. This may be because they were competing in an above-average applicant pool, or the job they applied to was canceled, or maybe they turned down the position at the time. Regardless, this pool of applicants has already been screened, vetted, and sold on applying to your company, making them one of the most convenient sources of future talent. If you’re looking to fill positions remotely, consider reaching out to these silver-medalist candidates to fill the role. 

3. Take Advantage of Social Media

Websites like LinkedIn are another excellent source of building your talent pipeline from home. Have your HR team research candidates that might be a good fit for upcoming positions. Also, look into the current employment status of candidates who have applied to your company in the past. Past candidates who were a strong intellectual and personality fit for a position but lacked experience may have since gained experience that would make them a strong fit for your company. Furthermore, applicants who were offered the job but rejected it for another job may now be in a position to accept a role in your organization. According to recent research by Glassdoor, almost 8 in 10 job applicants use social media in their job search, so don’t pass up on this excellent source of potential employees.

4. Host Virtual Networking Events & Internships

Finally, rather than canceling career fairs, networking functions, and internships that your organization had planned on hosting, consider moving these programs online. Considering that many organizations are canceling these programs, there will likely be an even higher interest in participating in yours. Career fairs are one of the most classic sources of job candidates, and internships can be of the most valuable sources of rising talent for your company. With the right planning, virtual internships can be just as engaging as in-person ones.

Building a talent pipeline in the midst of a pandemic can be a challenging task. However, thanks to modern technology, there are countless ways to reach out to candidates remotely. Hosting virtual recruitment events, perusing social media, reaching out to past job applicants, and developing strong employee referral programs can all help you to bolster your talent pipeline and continue to bring in top talent even while working remotely.

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