Pre-Employment Tests
For the Nonprofit Sector

The nonprofit sector represents a wide variety of organizations that all have one thing in common: they are dedicated to a particular social cause, and they use their extra revenue to further that cause instead of distributing those profits to owners or shareholders. Because they forgo profits, they are granted tax-exempt status by the IRS, and they have to follow certain regulations to uphold that status. While nonprofits can operate within just about any industry, some of the more common areas of focus include science, research, education, or religion.

The Statistics

  • There are about 1.8 million tax exempt organizations in the United States
  • Nonprofits make up about 5% of the GDP in the United States
  • Nonprofits employ about 10% of the United States workforce

Why Use Pre-Employment Testing

Nonprofit organizations need talented employees as much as any other industry. Nonprofits are expected to be lean with their operations, and pre-employment assessments enable these organizations to achieve their missions with lower turnover and higher performance across the entire team. Pre-employment tests make every hire count by identifying the traits and abilities that are most predictive of job success in a wide variety of positions.

What Tests to Use

The tests you administer depend on the responsibilities for that particular job, and nonprofits employ a wide variety of job types within their organizations.

Many nonprofits regularly hire employees for administrative positions. One of the most commonly used tests for these roles is the Criteria Basic Skills Test (CBST), a 20-minute test of basic verbal and math skills. It also measures attention to detail, communication, grammar, and spelling, as well as general trainability and job readiness. This test ensures that your candidates have the basic tools to succeed in an entry-level role.

For roles that typically require a college degree, like manager/director roles or grant writing positions, the Criteria Cognitive Aptitude Test (CCAT) is most commonly administered. This assessment measures a candidate’s critical thinking and problem solving ability, providing an indication of their ability to learn quickly and make decisions on the job.

To assess personality fit for a wide variety of roles, the Employee Personality Profile (EPP) is a flexible personality assessment that provides a measure of job fit depending on the position type. This test evaluates how comfortable a candidate will be in a particular role, which is a strong predictor of long-term retention.

Why Criteria

  • State-of-the-art, cloud-based assessment platform
  • Access to all of our assessments 
  • Tests backed by science and validated for employment
  • Flat-fee pricing model


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