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What is Recruitment Marketing?


If your company is trying to win over top talent, you should consider starting before they even apply.  That’s where recruitment marketing comes in.  Recruitment marketing refers to the tactics used by a company to attract applicants.  It applies the same strategies as traditional marketing, but instead of selling products and services to consumers, companies attempt to sell themselves to potential job candidates.  Strategies used in recruitment marketing include physical and online advertisements as well as analytics and job market research.

Recruitment marketing takes advantage of the fact that over 70% of candidates now research the jobs they apply to.  Technology makes it easy for applicants to choose companies based on typical salaries, standard benefits, and company culture ratings, which are readily available on sites like Glassdoor or Indeed.  They can then apply for the positions they’re interested in on a plethora of different sites.  Using recruitment marketing, companies can stand out to prospective applicants, highlighting the best aspects of their business to draw in the best candidates.

Here are 6 ways your company can use recruitment marketing to attract applicants:

      1. Update your company’s career page.

Your company’s career page has the potential to draw in (or repel) candidates.  Nearly 8 out of 10 employers consider their career page to be critical in their hiring success.  Take the time to design your website in a way that is uncomplicated and user-friendly, as well as welcoming and visually pleasing to applicants.  Ensure that career descriptions are accurate and job openings are updated regularly.

      2. Write memorable job ads.

Odds are, you’re not going to attract top-tier applicants without an amazing job ad.  The best job ads are clear, accurate, and memorable.  Use bullet points rather than long sentences to keep your applicant’s attention.  Rather than insisting on abundant experience, focus on what candidates can do with the experience they have to avoid deterring candidates who could be diamonds in the rough.  Make descriptions creative while still being straightforward about job requirements and responsibilities.  While you can have fun with your job descriptions, don’t be as quirky with your job titles, as this can ruin your SEO potential.

      3. Attract and engage with possible candidates on social media.

As almost 60% of job seekers use social media to research companies that interest them, these platforms can be the perfect place to market your business to prospective candidates.  Post regularly, and make sure the content you’re posting shows off how great it is to work at your company.  Respond to comments on posts and messages from job candidates to keep them engaged and interested.

      4. Invest in digital advertising.

In today’s candidate-driven market, posting a flyer outside your office or a job ad in the newspaper simply won’t cut it.  The most popular recruiting sites where you can post job openings include LinkedIn, Indeed, Monster, CareerBuilder, SimplyHired, and even Craigslist. Many recruiters are now even posting ads on social media sites.  Some platforms that are often used by job seekers include LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and Google+.

Strive to create ads that are both verbally and visually enticing to applicants - for instance, write a succinct, memorable job ad and, if you have the resources, include a promotional video or photos along with it.

      5. Target potential applicants using analytics.

More and more companies are using data analytics to more effectively source candidates.  Determine which segments of the population are most likely to apply to work at your company, and tailor your job ads towards them.  Furthermore, when deciding between two excellent candidates, be sure to keep the contact information of the candidate who you didn’t select for the job.  Be kind in your denial of this so-called “silver medalist” candidate, as your company could recruit them later on when a position opens up.

      6. Make sure your company truly is a great place to work!

The best way to recruit new employees is by ensuring the happiness of your current ones.  Happy employees will naturally boost your company’s reputation through word of mouth, positive online reviews, and even references to new talent.

The most successful companies actively work on their reputation and branding to put their best foot forward before candidates even step into their office.  In a job market where 9 out of 10 recruiters agree that candidates are essential to any hiring plan, recruitment marketing is not just beneficial, but necessary, for attracting top talent.

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