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Tackling Turnover in Healthcare


Turnover is a major challenge facing the healthcare industry. According to one survey, 86% of healthcare facilities listed retention as a key initiative for their organizations. And compared to other industries, healthcare often ranks 2nd or 3rd for highest overall turnover, which includes both voluntary and involuntary turnover.

This turnover doesn’t just translate into enormous hiring and training costs; it can also cause a loss in productivity, lower employee morale, and reduced quality of care for patients. Turnover is one product of the current labor market in the healthcare industry. The demand for labor in healthcare is booming, and that demand is expected to increase as the US population continues to age.

Within this landscape, what steps can companies take to tangibly reduce turnover? While turnover can be the result of many different organizational factors, one place to start is in the hiring process. A labor shortage necessitates that employers make every hire count. By identifying up front which job applicants are most likely not only to excel in their roles but also to stay long-term, companies can start to see turnover fall.

Pre-employment tests are a predictive, cost effective way to improve quality of hire and reduce turnover in healthcare facilities. Used within the hiring process, assessments help you make more informed hiring decisions by providing predictive data on which candidates demonstrate the most potential for long-term job success. To learn more about how pre-employment tests can help companies in the healthcare industry reduce turnover, check out our whitepaper.

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