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Now is the Time to Take a Chance on a Career Switcher

job hopping

“Career switchers,” “job hoppers,” “vocation variers”: whatever you want to call them, employees who decide to switch professions often get a bad rap. Some employers stereotype these candidates as being fickle or money-chasers, and worry about wasting resources training an employee who might pick up and leave soon after being hired.

However, the current job market is forcing many Americans to search for new work, even outside their field of expertise. Despite the fact that nearly 80% of recent layoffs are considered temporary, experts suggest that many of these will become permanent, predicting that only 60% of those jobs will return. Furthermore, FEMA has found that about 4 in 10 small businesses never reopen after a disaster.

So, should your organization take a chance on a career switcher? The short answer is yes, in many cases, but it depends on what role you’re hiring for. Some higher-level positions require years of experience to master. However, career switchers can be a great fit for most entry-level positions. Here’s why:

Career Switchers are Passionate

Granted, many current career switchers are jumping ship on their current professions out of necessity. However, for many others, COVID-19 provided a golden opportunity to switch into a field they love. Like most things, finding one’s passion often takes trial and error. The average person switches careers about three to seven times during their life. 

While they lack experience, those who take a risk on a new profession are often enthusiastic and eager to prove themselves. They’re bold, motivated to learn new skills and willing to take chances. After all, it’s easier to continue along the same career path than to swim against the current.

Career Switchers are Dynamic

While superficially, having other professions on one’s resume might look like a drawback, career switchers’ divergent resumes can actually be a good thing. Many of these candidates possess transferable skills from past jobs that would make them well-suited for the position you’re hiring for.

Furthermore, working for a variety of managers in different industries or settings can make a career switcher a major asset to your organization. These applicants are usually more adaptable than individuals who have always worked under the same manager or in the same profession.

Career Switchers Bring a Fresh Perspective

Finally, career changers can be a catch for your company simply due to their fresh perspective. People who have never worked in a role can see outside the boxes that those who have only had one profession might be stuck in. Forbes goes as far as to say creative thinking is the only business strategy you’ll ever need, and more recently, the key to a successful reopening of your organization.

Career switchers are sometimes turned away for positions due to lack of experience or presumed capriciousness. However, changing professions is a trend that’s on the rise, and sometimes less experience isn’t a bad thing. Career switchers are often eager, passionate, affordable, and versatile, and they can offer a fresh perspective on your organization. Give a career changer a chance the next time your organization is hiring - you might be surprised at the results.

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