Blog Article

Introducing: Develop™ by Criteria 

Happy employees using new Develop by Criteria product

We’re excited to announce the release of Develop by Criteria, our latest post-hire tool designed to help you build high performing teams. As a company, Criteria’s mission is not only to help you hire better, but to achieve talent success at every stage of the employee lifecycle. 

At Criteria, we understand that each person you hire is a critical component of your team, one that you invested time, energy, and money into finding and bringing into your organization.  

We’d often hear from our customers that after making incredible hires, they wished there was a way to ensure that their newest recruits were happy, engaged, integrated into their team, and empowered to perform at their best. That’s why we built Develop.  

What can Develop do?  

The foundation of Develop is grounded in the science of high-performing teams. We blended our expertise in I/O psychology, personality, and a deep understanding of team dynamics into a unique tool that enables your entire organization to learn, grow, and succeed.  

Develop is a robust offering that provides personalized support for managers, teams, and individual employees. From AI-powered coaching to a rich on-demand skill library, Develop gives you and your team members everything they need to cultivate success.  

Develop can: 

  • Drive change through feedback with suggestions tailored to your team’s unique makeup.   

  • Equip managers with insight and skills that are proven to strengthen team dynamics and performance. 

  • Build confidence and introspection with 24/7 AI-powered coaching for both managers and team members. 

  • Measure growth and successes through effortless reporting that makes it easy to track your team’s triumphs. 

How does Develop work?  

Each member of your team will take a quick 5-minute survey on their team’s current dynamics. From there, Develop can identify what’s currently working and what areas need some improvement – and lays the groundwork for actionable plans to strengthen team performance.  

On an individual level, Develop uses Criteria’s popular EPP – a personality inventory – to give detailed and personalized insight into every employee: 

  • Managers get a bespoke guide for every employee who reports to them that helps them tailor their management style to better fit each team member.  

  • Team members can see the personality makeup of their department, allowing them to better understand their team’s strong suits and weaker areas. 

  • Individuals gain detailed insight into their own abilities, helping them to identify their superpowers and opportunities for improvement.  

  • Coach Bo uses individual and team personality results to provide even smarter suggestions and advice, taking into account the team dynamics as a whole, in addition to the user’s unique traits.  

The assessments that Develop is built around are fast, user friendly, and allows for deeply personalized training opportunities. With Develop, you can say “goodbye” to one-size-doesn't-fit-all training and “hello” to solutions tailored to your team’s specific needs that drive real results.  

Why did we build Develop?  

Hiring well is just the first step in building an effective team. After onboarding, managers navigate the lion’s share of stressful work when it comes to integrating newcomers into their teams.  

And it’s taking its toll: more than half of managers suffering from work-induced stress and fatigue. Which comes as no surprise when you look at the data: the average manager is carrying 51% more responsibilities than they can actually manage.  

But the research is crystal clear: employees with effective managers outperform at every metric of success, from turnover to engagement.  

Employees with effective managers are 15.4% more likely to be top performers, 13.4% more likely to be engaged with their work, and 3.2x more likely to stay with their employer. On top of being successful in their roles, these employs report 12.5% higher physical and mental wellbeing than employees who are managed ineffectively.  

At its core, Develop enables managers to be more effective. With insights of Develop at their disposal, managers can cultivate trust and autonomy, boost morale, unlock potential, and drive performance. Develop is designed to lighten the load managers carry every day by doing the legwork to figure out how to smooth out bumps in communication, work styles, and manager-report relationships.  

But we know that these insights don’t just benefit managers: Develop provides personalized suggestions that individual contributors can use to navigate a robust complimentary skill library. This library empowers employees with valuable workplace skills, from prioritization and negotiation to ways to improve work-life balance and resilience.   

Develop by Criteria identifies areas for improvement at both individual and team levels, making it the ideal tool for growing and developing your team. The power of a team is greater than the sum of its parts, and when each contributor unlocks their deeper potential, you can achieve success at scale. 


Develop™ by Criteria is available to all Criteria customers with a Talent Success Suite subscription. Contact your Customer Success Manager today to get set up and on your way to a happy, healthier, high-performing team. 


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