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The Impact of the Great Resignation on Work Culture

The impact of the great resignation

The Great Resignation entered the HR zeitgeist back in Spring of 2021, but we wanted to know if employers were still feeling its effect more than a year later. The pandemic has fundamentally shifted the culture and attitudes around work, tenure, and employee expectations. In our 2022 Hiring Benchmark Report, we decided to ask hiring professionals if they were still feeling the impact of the Great Resignation.

After gathering data from more than 500 HR professionals from companies of all sizes across all industries, we found that organizations are still dealing with the fallout of record-high turnover rates.

Turnover is a still a major issue for organizations

We asked employers whether or not employee turnover has been a major issue for their organization, and half of our respondents confirmed that yes, retention has stayed a main cause of concern.

The question stands – will the turnover rates we see as a result of the Great Resignation become the new normal? Or will the scales tilt back to pre-pandemic levels?  One thing became clear in our survey: the best way to mitigate the impact of the Great Resignation it to lean in and meet employees’ new expectations about work.

The way we work has fundamentally changed as a result of Covid-19. We asked our respondents about their current work models, and 22% reported that they work mostly remote, 39% were using the hybrid model, and the remaining 39% were mostly in-person.

In-person work is no longer the default

We know from our extensive research on candidate experience that job seekers main priority when looking for a new job is work-life balance. The flexibility that remote and hybrid models provide employees is highly desirable, and they’re unlikely to change their stance. In fact, research from SHRM’s 2022 State of the Workplace Survey found that 48% of workers in the US are definitely seeking a remote position when looking for their next role.

Whether the Great Resignation is something the organizations need to ride out or a fundamental paradigm shift in our relationship with employment, one thing is certain: listening to and addressing the needs of your workforce is a way to stem the flow of employees leaving for greener pastures.

To discover more insight into the hiring landscape of 2022 and beyond, download the full 2022 Hiring Benchmark Report today.

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