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How to Find a Job During COVID-19

Remote Job Search

With unemployment on the rise, you might be one of many who is on the hunt for a new position. As of this week, one in three Americans polled claimed that the novel coronavirus has disrupted their employment or finances. While a pandemic is certainly not the ideal time to be job hunting, landing a new role is doable if you know how to search and prepare effectively.

Here are 5 tips for finding a job during the current situation:

1. Perfect Your Public Image

Increased time spent indoors is causing many Americans to deep clean their homes, garages, and closets. However, it’s likely that your resume, LinkedIn page, or social media profiles also need a spring clean. The Muse offers helpful tips to refresh your LinkedIn profile and how to polish your resume in 30 minutes or less. Regarding social media, take down any photos or posts that you wouldn’t want a potential employer to see, or consider making your profiles private. 70% of employers admit to perusing their candidates’ social media for screening purposes, so make sure your profiles are free of any unbecoming content.

2. Choose the Right Industries

It’s well-known that some industries are weathering COVID-19 better than others. For instance, pharmacies, teleworking software, grocery stores, tech support, and obviously healthcare are all industries that are still hiring in full force. Even if you have little to no experience in these industries, it’s possible that your current skills are transferable to these positions. Many of these jobs can in turn provide you with abilities that can prove useful for other future roles (for instance, customer service skills or tech skills, which are valuable for most positions). The Muse compiled a list of specific companies that are looking to hire during COVID-19.

3. Consider Short-Term Roles

Many positions that are currently in demand are short-term roles. Customer service agents, warehouse workers, package handlers, and temporary nurses, to name a few, are all very sought after during the current crisis. You might have better luck seeking a part-time or seasonal role until more full-time positions open up.

4. Hone Your Video Interview Skills

If you apply to a job and are offered an interview, it’s likely to be remote. Video interviews introduce a plethora of new considerations to the interview process (lighting, faulty tech, etc.), so it’s essential to prepare beforehand. Download and test your technology, practice responding to common interview questions, and get accustomed to speaking to yourself on camera. Don’t forget to follow up with a gracious email or letter soon after your interview is over.

5. Get in the Right Mindset

Most importantly, make sure you have the right mentality when job searching during the pandemic. With a 33% increase in unemployment claims and nearly half of U.S companies reducing or freezing hiring, it’s certainly not the easiest time to get a job. Be empathetic with yourself if you don’t get as many callbacks as you hoped for, be flexible with the jobs you’re willing to apply to, and be persistent.

Job searching during a pandemic is no easy feat. However, with the right tools, preparation, and a little extra effort, you can get your career back on track.

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