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How to Avoid "Summer Slump" in the Workplace


If you’re noticing a sudden decrease in productivity from your team, it may just be the result of a summer slump. One study found that attendance at work decreases by 18% in the summer, and people describe an increase in feeling distracted by as much as 20%. These statistics are disconcerting as they show how impactful a change in season can be on the overall productivity of the office. Fortunately, there are ways to combat a workplace summer slump. Here are a couple of places to start 

Catered Lunches 

Who doesn’t love free food? During any time of year, free catered food for the office is a great way to improve the mood of your employees. Take this a step further by catering food that matches the summer season. Treats such as ice cream or fresh fruit are easy summer treats to incorporate into the office that are sure to improve the mood of employees, and subsequently productivity. Also, summertime catered lunches provide employees with an opportunity to socialize with one another, which strengthens workplace culture.  

Company Outings 

Company outings can increase productivity and the mood of your employees over the summer by bringing them out of the office. Mixing sunshine, fresh air, and games allows employees to feel as though they aren’t missing out on summer. Outings such as an outdoor scavenger hunt can be an excellent way to foster team building between your employees as well as improve office morale through some friendly competition. Or a simple picnic can bring a change to the daily routine of the office and show a company’s appreciation for their employees. Generally, company outings improve productivity in the office by giving your team something different to look forward to, adding a bit of variety into their days.  

Casual Dress 

People enjoy dressing for the season. One way to cater to this desire is to allow more flexibility in dress code. For offices where people are typically required to wear formal or business attireincorporating casual dress days can increase productivity. 61% of people reported that they would be more productive at work if they could dress in a way that reflects their personal style. Mainly, casual dress days boost morale in the workplace because these summer outfits inspire employees to want to come to work to share their personal style with their coworkers. If you want to further weigh out the pros and cons of casual dress, check out our post, “Company Dress Codes: Professional or Passé?”  


When productivity begins to take a dip due to a change in seasons, workplace incentives might just be the trick to perk up productivity. Incentive programs have the potential to increase productivity from anywhere between 25 to 44%. Examples of summer workplace incentives include rewarding the employee with the highest attendance over the summer months with a gift card or movie tickets. Another incentive is “Summer Fridays, which rewards employees with shortened Fridays or even a few Fridays off, as long as they continue to be productive throughout the rest of the week.  

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