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Attract New Hires Through Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives


Corporate social responsibility is a commitment that a company makes to practice ethical behavior through initiatives that can range from a greener office to community service. Job seekers are increasingly interested in working at an organization that gives them a sense of purpose, and now many job seekers use a company’s corporate social responsibility as a positive signal when looking for a new place of employment. According to the Snapshot Employee Research Survey, approximately 70% of employees want to work for a company with similar values. Here are a few ways you can implement socially responsible initiatives in your office:

Outdoor Initiatives

Based on Deloitte’s “2017 Volunteerism Survey,” approximately 89% of respondents state that company sponsored volunteer activities create a better working environment. Offices can build a fun workplace culture through community service activities. Large outdoor activities such as working with an organization like Habitat for Humanity, helping at an animal adoption event, cleaning up a local beach, or participating in a charity run benefits your community while also strengthening your team through out-of-office bonding.

Long-Term Initiatives

Your company may also want to consider long-term socially responsible initiatives. Long-term community commitments can express a greater dedication to your local community, and lets your employees choose an organization that matters to them. For example, your company may consider sponsoring either a local youth sports team or a community theatre. Additionally, your team might consider teaching a class that relates to your company’s field of expertise to give back. These ideas reflect well on your company’s overall branding.

Seasonal Initiatives

If you want your company’s socially responsible initiatives to take place during the holidays, there is an abundance of community service programs that are seasonal. Your company can give back by participating in donation events such as Toys for Tots or Socks for Souls. Programs like these help people give back to their local community through donation. A more hands-on approach to seasonal community service can involve bringing your team to help at a food bank or creating care packages to donate to shelters.

Going Green Initiatives

According to one study, 51% of employees would not work for a company without clear environmental and social commitments. Promoting recycling in your office is an easy way to express environmental commitment. Also, your office can commit to reducing its environmental footprint by limiting use of air cooling and heating. If you are considering a larger change to show your company’s socially responsible commitment you may consider incentivizing your employees to commute green by carpooling or making it easier for employees to access charging stations for electric vehicles.

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