Fair hiring is paramount
If you want to create a truly fair hiring process, you have to reduce implicit bias to level the playing field for your candidates.
But that’s easier said than done. Since hiring involves human decision-making, it’s influenced by emotion, gut instinct, and inherent bias of the interviewer. This hinders fairness and transparency - things all candidates deserve.
Ensure fairness during recruitment by injecting it with objectivity at every stage. In addition to implementing strategies to reduce bias in your hiring process, objective hiring practices increase the likelihood of talent success by improving diversity and productivity in your workforce.
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Increasing objectivity is easier than it seems
At Criteria, we’re advocates for evidence-based hiring. This approach focuses on using scientifically validated data instead of relying on your “gut feeling” when you evaluate your candidates.
Since applications, resumes, and interviews are fraught with subjectivity, Criteria uses pre-employment assessment tools to gather objective evidence of future success and potential. You can add these tools at any stage of your recruitment process to pinpoint your strongest candidates with confidence.
Let’s look at how evidence-based hiring helps you find great candidates:
1. It’s predictive
Evidence-based hiring only takes into consideration information that is strongly correlated with job performance. It works because it cuts out the fluff by not focusing on less-reliable indicators of success, like specific qualifications, years of experience, or where someone when to school. Instead, Criteria assessments only measure attributes that contribute to success in the role.
For example, you can use testing to better understand a candidate’s overall cognitive aptitude (the single strongest predictor of success), or use EI testing to gain insight into how they process and handle emotions. Criteria’s wide range of assessments help you see beyond the resume and into a candidate’s true potential.
One of the most popular Criteria assessments is Cognify – a game-based assessment that evaluates a candidate’s ability to solve problems and think creatively in an immersive, engaging environment. Another assessment, Emotify, assesses a candidate’s ability to accurately perceive, understand, and manage emotions.
You can gain robust and multi-dimensional insight on every candidate by adding more than one assessment tool to your hiring process. You can mix and match any combination of assessments you believe will help you understand which candidates are the best fit for your organization. The data from assessments more accurately predicts future job success than the information you get from a resume alone.
2. It’s holistic
Because of the scientific rigor required for evidence-based hiring, you’re able to see a more complete picture of each candidate and their ability to succeed at your organization.
Criteria’s platform, workflow systems, and assessment tools are designed to showcase a candidate’s full range of skills, aptitude levels, personality profile, and other performance measures all at once. And we’re always going back to the drawing board to make sure our methodology and assessments are continuously improving.
Our assessments help you make data-driven decisions so you can make fully-informed choices during recruitment. And while no single factor can make or break your decision, you can trust Criteria to help you achieve talent success.
3. It’s objective
The single greatest obstacle to fairness and transparency in recruitment is innate human bias. However, adding objective hiring measures mitigates the impact this bias has on decision-making. By applying evidence-based hiring methods, you make your hiring process fairer for your candidates – and you create better outcomes for your business.
The Criteria suite of assessments was created by organizational psychologists to objectively measure candidate ability, reducing the impact of unconscious bias. Our products will increase the objectivity of your hiring process and improve the quality of your new hires.
Our platform was designed with inclusivity in mind. Most of our assessments can be adjusted to accommodate disabilities, as well as neurodiverse and differently-abled applicants. Criteria’s video interviewing platform can support fully blind hiring by camouflaging a candidate’s gender, race, and appearance. Our goal is to provide you with truly objective data that you can use to make more informed (and fair) hiring decisions.
4. It’s measurable
The data gained from Criteria assessments is actionable, reliable information. You can use the assessments to measure candidate performance against your own specific objectives, making it easy to see how evidence-based methodology makes an impact on your hiring success.
But don’t just take it from us – see what our clients have to say:
Our team recommended a new recruitment strategy to one of our healthcare clients. After implementation, the client saw a 94% reduction in time to hire. As a result, their recruitment costs – both time and money – dropped significantly. Review the full case study and learn more about the power of a truly objective hiring process.
Creating a fairer and more objective hiring process is a worthwhile venture. It helps you to build a more diverse and productive workforce, creating a tangible return on investment. And consider this: shoring up your hiring process with an evidence-based approach can help negate legal challenges.
Most importantly, objective hiring practices ensure the right candidates are filling your positions – achieving the main goal of any good recruitment strategy.
Contact Us
Reach out today to discuss how you can reduce implicit bias in the hiring process and experience the benefits first-hand.